Jan 5Liked by Stephen Totilo

One time, I stood behind Stephen while he interviewed Shigeru Miyamoto for MTV. That's almost like interviewing him.

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A remarkable slice of gaming history and some prescient perspective from one of the industry's greats. Thanks for persevering and finding that working micro cassette player!

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Makes you wonder what is Nintendo going to do to follow up the Switch? Almost all logic would suggest, just make basically the same console with more power, but Nintendo never does that.

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Fascinating read. So fun to think about all the ways the industry has changed, and what's stayed the same. Thanks for sharing from your archives!

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We bought a used wii a couple years ago and had a blast just playing the OG sports games. It struck me how incredibly innovative the system was. At this point, decades behind present day gaming, but for me at least, more enjoyable. Fascinating company, thank you for the fun story!

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Great article! As a GenX gamer, I agree with him that many gamers like me feel alienated, especially today in the PS5 & Xbox world. I personally don't want everything on a Cloud subscription. However, I never bought a Nintendo when I was younger because the games were always kid's games in my eyes. I liked Sega games on the Megadrive like Streets of Rage, Shinobi, Golden Axe etc. I also definitely don't think Dual Screen devices are great. They are clunky and also add weight.

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really interesting read , it also sorta helps make alot of sense behind some of nintendos choices with hardware power the last few gens , not thats its a new concept of course but reading it this way is just interesting.

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